Miss Meow #1 Out of the Vault Exclusive
Limited print run of
200 Nice Variant
100 Naughty Virgin Covers
Very Limieted Metal Naughty Variant
Merc Magazine's first issue is here featuring MISS MEOW. You are introduced to our hero at the year's biggest event, the Merc Gala! With Kit and Kat at her side, Miss Meow's plan unfolds to steal something of great importance to her rivals.
Miss Meow is the best of the best of Merc celebrities. Her empire was started with the creation of "Katnip" technology which was an instant and extremely profitable success. Now, she runs the second largest Merc corporation second only to the Spartans. Her nemesis, Katfight, works tirelessly alongside the Spartans to stop Miss Meow from taking the spot as the world's greatest Mercenary.
Merc Con is quickly approaching. Whoever shows up with the greatest loot has a chance to dethrone the Spartan Empire!